Click here to download this picture Brussels, 17 May 2013: The Brewers of Europe, representing 4,000 breweries across Europe and already the lead...
News releases
News releases
Europe’s brewers report significant ‘Beer Pledge’ progress on occasion of the 12th EU Alcohol and Health Forum Plenary meeting
BRUSSELS, 25 April 2013: Speaking at the European Alcohol and Health Forum (EAHF), The Brewers of Europe announced progress on implementation of the...
Building a positive future for Europe’s SME brewers
Forst (Italy), 19 April 2013 – Today and tomorrow, SME brewers from across Europe are gathering in northern Italy to discuss the role for beer...
Parliament approves bill damaging French beer culture
Despite the best and combined efforts of brewers, bar-owners, consumers, politicians, citizens and celebrities over the last six weeks, the French...
The Brewers of Europe elects new President
On 23 November The Brewers of Europe appointed Demetrio Carceller as its new President, succeeding Alberto da Ponte. Demetrio Carceller, Executive...
Faces of Brewing 2012 winners announced
Brussels, 23 November 2012: The photo of a monk checking his modern-day brewery, entitled ‘Father Antoine’, won first prize in this...
Brewers’ gala highlights role of sports sponsorships in time of crisis
BRUSSELS, 22 November 2012: Tackling the debate over the role of beer in sports sponsorships, The Brewers of Europe’s annual gala highlighted...
The Brewers of Europe congratulates new Chairman of the European Beer Consumers Union
The Brewers of Europe wishes to congratulate Henri Reuchlin on being elected the new chairman of the European Beer Consumers Union (EBCU)....
Is France an EU Member State? Brewers appalled at anti-industry, anti-EU ministerial stance
In the course of the French parliamentary debate on a proposed French law to raise the tax on beer by 160%, the French minister of budget insinuated...
Europe’s brewers deplore 160% French ‘job killer’ beer tax
Brussels, 31 Oct 2012: The Brewers of Europe said on Tuesday that a proposed French law to raise the tax on beer by 160%, which passed through the...
Europe’s brewers welcome 20 Years of the EU Single Market
Brussels, 15 October 2012: As the European Union and its Member States begin a week of celebrations to mark 20 years of the Single Market and...
Europe’s brewers congratulate winners and nominees at the MEP Awards 2012
Brussels, 25 September 2012: The Brewers of Europe and the Cyprus Brewers Association are proud to sponsor the Parliament Magazine MEP Awards 2012...
EU policymakers welcome Cypriot Presidency with traditional Cypriot beers
Brussels, 19 September 2012: To welcome the EU Cypriot Presidency, The Brewers of Europe and the Cyprus Brewers Association were very proud to serve...
Europe’s newest brew house shows the way in innovation, efficiency and sustainability
This month saw the opening of the new state of the art brew house at Farsons Brewery, in Malta! Inaugurated by the Maltese President and blessed by...
Online operational water source tool library unveiled
BRUSSELS, 25 August 2012: At the start of the World Water Week The Brewers of Europe launches an online operational water source tool library which...
Concern spreads across Europe over UK Government plans for beer tax stamps
British beer lovers and pubs face the threat of going without some of Europe’s most famous and iconic beer brands, if controversial proposals...
Position on Regulating Price for Public Health Purposes
The Brewers of Europe, the voice of the European brewing sector, promotes responsible beer consumption and has a proven track record of initiatives...
New report shows future is green for EU brewing sector
BRUSSELS, 23 May 2012: Europe’s brewers are getting greener and reducing the environmental impact of producing beer according to a new report...
Leading policy-makers mark Danish Presidency with quality Danish beer
Brussels, 15 May 2012: Bendt Bendtsen MEP, Dan Jørgensen MEP and the Danish Brewers’ Association hosted a European Parliament Beer Club...
Europe’s Brewers pledge increased action to combat alcohol misuse
BRUSSELS, 29 February 2012: Intensifying their support to authorities to fight alcohol misuse, Europe’s 3,500 brewers launched a Pledge at the...
Croatia joins The Brewers of Europe
We are proud to announce the General Assembly’s approval of Croatia’s membership, from 1st January 2012, of The Brewers of Europe. The...
President Barroso urges “smart regulation” to boost growth, in speech at Brewers gala
BRUSSELS, 23 November 2011: Europe needs fiscal belt-tightening coupled with growth-enhancing measures to pull itself out of crisis, including...
Dr. Stefan Lustig takes over at the helm of the European Brewery Convention
A joint press statement from The Brewers of Europe and the European Brewery Convention (EBC) 10 November 2011: Dr. Stefan Lustig will take...
Europe’s brewers welcome EU Health Commissioner’s support for EU Alcohol & Health Forum
Brussels, 19 October 2011: The Brewers of Europe welcome EU Health Commissioner John Dalli’s speech today to the European Alcohol and Health...
Europe’s brewers welcome President Barroso’s 2011 State of the Union address
Brussels, 28 September 2011: The European brewing sector welcomes today’s ‘State of the Union Address 2011’ by European Commission...
Resilient European brewing sector hit by recession but fighting back
BRUSSELS, 22 September 2011: A new report shows that more than a quarter of a million jobs have been lost in two years as a result of the growing...
Europe’s brewers welcome conclusions of 6th Beer and Health Symposium
Brussels, 20 September 2011: The Brewers of Europe welcome the outcomes of the 6th Beer and Health Symposium where top European scientists and...
Europe’s Brewers in support of well-informed consumers
The European Parliament’s vote today on the EU Regulation on the provision of food information to consumers almost brings to an end a decision...
Europe’s Brewers provide €1 billion per year to support community events
Thousands of public events across Europe depend heavily on sponsorships by European brewers and could be in danger amid ongoing scrutiny of such...
Partnerships en route to combating drink-driving
Brussels, 3 December 2010: Around 80 people from across Europe, including policy makers, law enforcement authorities, NGOs, football clubs and...
Europe´s Brewers address tough issue at Brussels gala
Brussels, 13 October 2010: Over 400 people joined top European brewing executives and political leaders Tuesday to debate tough challenges for the...
New study shows beer tax increases would jeopardise economic recovery
Brussels, 6 October 2010: An independent study by PricewaterhouseCoopers, commissioned by The Brewers of Europe, highlights the importance of the...
Los Cerveceros Europeos debaten en Barcelona sobre la importancia del sector en la economía Europea
El sector cervecero europeo genera 59.000 millones de euros en términos de valor añadido a la economía comunitaria En Barcelona...
Information to feed material suppliers:Register your feed material using the online Register of feed materials
According to article 24(6) of the EU feed marketing Regulation (EC) No 767/2009, “the person who, for the first time, places on the market a...
The Brewers of Europe release landmark report on advertising self regulation
Brussels – 26 May 2010 – The Brewers of Europe today launched a landmark report outlining the results of their commitment to the...
Partnerships key to tackling inappropriate beer consumption
Brussels – 4 May 2010 – Beer and the Mediterranean experience topped the issues discussed today at a special seminar looking into what...
Pierre-Olivier Bergeron new Secretary General at The Brewers of Europe
Brussels – 4 January 2010 – As of earlier this month, Pierre-Olivier Bergeron has taken over as the new Secretary General of The Brewers...