New beer environmental impact study launched – Contributions welcome!

New beer environmental impact study launched – Contributions welcome!

December 16, 2022

To best represent and promote the interest of every brewer in Europe, The Brewers of Europe – uniting 29 national brewers’ associations in Europe – has commissioned a study aimed at building a representative and up-to-date environmental perspective of the European Brewery sector as a whole. To do so, we strongly welcome and encourage the participation of any brewer with operating activities in the EU, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey or the UK to fill in the following survey.

We thank you for taking the time to answer the questions. With your answers, The Brewers of Europe can make sure your voice is heard by policy makers when developing policies that could impact the brewing sector. In the light of upcoming EU policies (e.g. a new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation that will set new mandatory rules for beer and brewers), the output from this survey can inform policy makers and other actors to develop ambitious, yet feasible legislation.  

The survey focuses on 5 main topics: packaging, Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Direct & Indirect), energy, water efficiency and secondary products.

Who is conducting this research?

Coordinating this research is Greenfish, an independent third party, subject to a non-disclosure agreement. Greenfish will handle the provided data anonymously. The Brewers of Europe will use the resulting, anonymised, and aggregated sector statistics in internal and external communication. To gather more in-depth information about best practices, Greenfish will contact selected breweries for a short interview. If your case study is selected as best practice, you will be contacted for approval. There will also be opportunities for The Brewers of Europe to highlight specific company best practises in its communications.


The survey is to be completed no later than the 20th of January 2023. Please note that the estimated time to complete the survey is 20 minutes but will depend on how readily available your data is.

We highly appreciate your contribution in making this project a success.