New year message

Watch the New Year’s message from our Secretary General, Julia Leferman, where she talks about the collaboration with EU decision-makers to ensure our sector continues to thrive. 

The Contribution Made by Beer to the European Economy

The beer value chain helps drive the European economy, according to this new report by Europe Economics, creating millions of jobs, value across the whole beer chain and billions in government tax revenues.

Based in Brussels, The Brewers of Europe brings together national brewers’ associations and companies from 28 European countries to support the united interests of Europe’s 10,000+ breweries.

Beer styles


The cradle of modern brewing, Europe is home to an estimated 80 beer styles and 50,000 different beer brands.

Brewing beer


Europe’s 10,000+ breweries, dispersed across the continent, create over 2 million jobs along the chain from grain to glass.



Bringing people together, beer, consumed moderately by healthy adults, may be fully compatible with a balanced and active lifestyle.

Our priorities


Ahead of the EU Elections in June 2024, The Brewers of Europe published a manifesto offering seven recommendations for a policy approach that can benefit citizens, the environment, national economies and the beer sector over the next five years.



The Brewers of Europe aim to have a positive impact on society, people and the planet. We continue to encourage sustainable practices in our brewing processes, in our supply chains, and in how beer is consumed and enjoyed.

Consumer information - beer labelling


Brewers believe in empowering people with facts to make informed decisions. They have been voluntarily rolling out ingredient listings and calorie information on-label and online since 2015.

Economy and jobs

Economy and jobs

Generating over 2 million jobs in Europe and over 40 billion euros in government tax revenues, the brewing sector is a major contributor to the European economy.

Well-being and moderation


Brewers in Europe take their responsibility seriously through initiating and supporting strategies that encourage responsible consumption of beer and address alcohol misuse, including through the promotion of no-and-low alcoholic beer.

What we are doing

Based in Brussels, The Brewers of Europe promotes the positive contributions of beer and the brewing sector.

The Brewers of Europe also champions conditions for brewing and marketing beer sustainably, effectively and responsibly across Europe through many events and initiatives.

Discover now what they are doing.